Obviously, blogging isn't for me

Yes I must admit, this idea with a blog hasn't turned out so well. I have so much else I want to do and the internet at my hostfamily is really not good so I have neither the energy nor the proper time to do this.
I will continue trying for a little bit longer time though but don't expect any miracles from me.

This Friday is London time with the school. I am going to visit the Tate Modern and the Parliament. For those who wanted we had the option of staying over in London and this is what I will do together with some other people. Thanks to Nicklas, I will go to an opera-ballet on Friday evening and almost more important: On Saturday afternoon you can find me att Friskis&Svettis London. Oh, I am really longing for that. Haven't had a proper exercise class with right bpm for ages. It is gonna be lovely :)

Hmm, other things that has happened since I last wrote here. I'll been to one of Moez gig (which is a teacher at our school), I have done some touristing around Brighton including the Pavilion and Brighton Museum, I have experienced almost the worst torrential rain ever, I have been to the pictures a couple of times, experienced Bon Fire Night in Lewes togheter with a lot, lot of other people and crazy loud bangers, been to some more quiz evenings, visited quite a few pub and so on.
The time here has been really great and I am really glad I decided to go here. I must admit I haven't learnt has much English as I had hoped to do. Admittedly, it's mainly my fault since I haven't put a real effort into finding English friends. Shame on me :P  Apart from that it has been nice to feel that I'm not too old to socialise with 20 year old people. As Anna has said to me: "It doesn't feel that you are That old" *lol*

12th December is approaching fast. It is going to be nice to come home to the forest, Swedish food and family and friends but of course, I will miss the friends I have met here at Loxdale.


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